Football is a sport that people all over the world are very interest in. It is a sport that you can have fun and enjoy together, whether you play it yourself or sit outside the field and watch. Most people who like to play football are usually men because men want something fun. And challenging, like to move their bodies a lot, and get their bodies pumped up. Therefore, when it comes to football, most people always think of male football players first.

However, that doesn’t mean that women are not interest or don’t like playing this type of sport. It’s just that there aren’t many of them, so it’s not as popular as among men. Even though football is popular all over the world, how many people know that besides being fun, what are the benefits of this type of sport? For this reason, UFABET have written this article to introduce you to the various benefits of playing football.
The benefits of playing football are as follows:
- Develops physical strength. Playing football is a high-energy activity that helps build physical strength, improves the cardiovascular and vascular systems, and provides oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs.
- Creates concentration and fun. Playing football is a highly focus activity, as you have to watch the ball and receive advice from your teammates. It is also an opportunity to have fun and have fun with your friends.
- Develops playing skills: Playing football helps develop playing skills such as passing, shooting, ball control, passing to other players, and defense.
- Build camaraderie Playing football helps you build good understanding and relationships with your teammates. You will have to learn to work together and support each other in managing situations that arise on the field.
- Develops Ethics and Morals Playing football teaches you ethics and morals such as honesty, responsibility and generosity.
- Promote mental health Exercise and physical activity reduce stress and build mental alertness. Helps you feel confident and happy.
- Create Goals and Commitment helps create goals for training and develop skills, which can lead to lifelong commitment.
- Create good experiences and memories is an opportunity to create memorable experiences and good memories in life.
- Create a sense of teamwork. Helps create a sense of teamwork and working together for a common goal.
- Creating hope and opportunity For some, Can be an option for personal development and a chance at a career in sports.
Playing football has as good an effect on health as other exercises such as running, swimming, cycling. But what is even better is that playing as a team is fun and enjoyable. It was found that during the game, 90% of the time (equivalent to 27 minutes). The heart rate increas to 70% of the maximum heart rate of those football players. Which affects the fitness of the heart, lungs and blood circulation, as good as other recommended exercises. It was also found that no matter what position a football player plays, every 15 minutes, they can use about 110-200 kilocalories of energy. Which is as good as jogging and skiing, and even better than those who play tennis.